Tuesday 3 February 2009

Hiro to zero and back again

I'm watching 'Heroes' which has just started it's 3rd (4th?) series, despite it being one of the worst shows broadcast. It's not bad just because of it's unrealised potential (the first series had so much promise) but also because it's just so poorly written. Inexcusably shit. The two head writers were recently fired which bodes well, but whoever picks up the reigns has to really learn to polish a turd.

Wouldn't that be fun?

Take an established franchise and mess stuff up?

I'm possibly the only person who actively enjoyed Rob Zombie's complete overhaul of 'Halloween' - way to make that movie your own Rob. He added his own auteur - ship to the basic Mike Myers story by making him trailer trash, to many people's annoyance.
Fincher got an equal amount of fan ire over Alien 3 when he killed all of the cast of the previous two films (and kudos to Wheadon for making a believable return for at least one of them).

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here (infact I am very much so) but I really want to mess up 'Jerusalem'. Okay - I haven't even locked down the first draft yet, but I'm already getting ideas as to where the follow up should go. I say follow up because I can see the next movie being a paraquel and a sequel and a prequel - and something else entirely. Much like between the first two Mad Max movies there was a nuclear war (plot twist or what?) we need a game changer for Jerusalem 2.

So I'm going to sow the seeds of a sequel in this current script. Not overtly, as it needs to stand on it's own with no loose threads, but I'll make reference at certain points throughout the story of a much larger thing going on behind the scenes. If the ideas ultimately never come to fruition none will be the wiser as it'll never impact your viewing pleasure, however if this second story is ever made I'll have already laid down the foundations for it. This convieniently solves a problem I was having with one of the main characters and specifically what her fate was to be or even if she should be written out.

Maxine you have a stay of execution and your very own after - credits sequence. Lucky you.

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