Tuesday 12 May 2009

no shift, no caps, no soapbox politics...

my shift key's not working, so no caps or question marks.

i've not updated this blog for a while because i haven't written anything. the reason /question mark/

well, i needed a break from the script also having finished the first draft it kinda felt like i'd finished the whole thing. for my next script i'll deny myself the finality of the last page and leave it hanging, maybe then it'll be easier to go back to.

so i've started writing again and put a whole little subplot back in which works better than i'd realised but this has brought it's own problems with it. the characters, the pieces on the chess board, aren't in the right place for the endgame. any attempt to move them seems contrived. this is quite fustrating as essentially the second half of the script works great, it's just getting these pawns to where they need to be to initiate the 'action' that's the problem.
it's just a centeral ten pages or so that are the problem,the new begining is so much better and i've always liked the conclusion... maybe if i just ram them together hard enough they'll stick.