Monday 3 August 2009

End Of Act One

Well that's that then. Finished the script. Typed FINAL after the title on the file name just to press the message home. (Yeah I know it's not really going to be final but I can relax for a bit now at least)
After one last read through, an idiot check for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, I realised that the script is actually pretty good. I'm quite proud of it to be honest for a first feature length effort. Considering it's quite a straight forward genre story there's quite a lot of unexpected scenarios in there, which over time, add up to give an unique feel. The light hearted opening gives way to much darker scenes later on then finally to bleakness without letting up on the action. Thrilling and depressing? Now that's a sales point right there. Put that on the poster.

Now of course comes the hard part as they say: getting it produced.

I'm not fully capable of judging how much a script will cost yet, but I guess BDOJH could be made quite cheaply - not micro budget but defineately small. Less than a million sterling. I just have to select who to pitch it to. First up is WARP-X who I've always had in mind when writing this story, but I absolutely intend to give this to every company I can possibly think of that would be interested in this kind of thing.
One possibility is to approach an agent who has a much better chance of getting the script seen. I've read that agents only consider signing writer's if they have at least three scripts ready to sell. Fair enough, they are taking a gamble when they commit to a writer but there is a down side to that - you have to write THREE SCRIPTS. Three good ones aswell. Considering how long it took me to do this one that task seems herculean.
Having said that, I've learnt a lot about constructing a story, about setting an outline, the peaks and troughs of narrative, what works and what shouldn't even get near a page. I'm going to start straight away on a new script (plot keywords: dildo, avatar of creation, chainsaw, morris minor, rebirth, brothel, schoolgirl) and I'm guessing it won't take so long now that my process has become a lot more refined.

As for Bad Day On Jerusalem Hill well I guess we're approaching the end of act one. We've set up ground work and the long second act of selling it is about to start. Hopefully we'll make it to the halfway mark, the important Point Of No Return, and get in to production, over come a few obstacles on the way, learn a little about ourselves and then BLAM! - third act twist: Jesus returns to Earth invoking the rapture and film-making becomes redundant.

Can't wait.