Tuesday 17 February 2009


Tom, an old friend, horror fan and social worker (of some variety or other) is the first person to give feedback on the script.
He has some good points.
He sees it from the perspective of someone who works with underprivileged kids, or rather social misfit kids and his experiences in that field tie directly in to some of the aspects of the script. We went through the logic of the situation and he brought up some insightful comments to do with how the scenario would actually work in the real world, ie: not how it happens in the script.
He also knows his movies and his genre stuff in particular and he felt that sometimes I'd veered to much in to 'movie' territory.
There is a character in 'Jerusalem' that is basically a masked 'slasher'. A Jason Voorhees type called TAGGER. He doesn't last long and isn't in anyway the focus for the film but his inclusion does lead the script towards a more traditional horror movie. Tom is of the opinion that we should highlight the more Shane Meadows-y elements and give the film a more real world feel. He's probably right.

As I suspected the main criticism so far of the script is about the characters being under developed. This also is true. I think it's more the fact that some are better realised than others that makes the secondary characters seem weak.

Another thing that has been thrown up is that people can't tell who the main character is meant to be. That is great. You're really not meant to. There are several candidates for who's going to make it to the end of the movie but you're never really sure who's going to survive. Hopefully this adds tension. Also it could mean that the script lacks focus, I'll wait and see what everyone else thinks first before I dive back in to the script but already I've got a plethora of new ideas to work with.

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