Sunday 18 October 2009

Eddie Murphy pimps my script.

Pimpin' my wares all about the place now.

First up is Trigger Street , it's a peer review script submission site. When you sign up they give you 'homework' to read an review four scripts from other users, once you have done that, you may upload your script for review. It's a good way to ensure that you get feedback from people know what they're talking about as you have to be dedicated to stick with it. I'm not sure if I'm going to submit 'Jerusalem' as I think I'm as far as I'm going to go with that at the moment. Maybe a few of the short films. I'm primarily interested in seeing what other people are writing - to check out what I'm up against. I've been assigned to review a pretty cool script of a Tim Burton - y type's very good (drat).

UK Screen - boy why didn't I know about this sooner? It's a great resource of film industry contacts. The search function alows you to browse all registered users which include everything from catering supplies, to actors, to lighting rig hire and more. You could set up an entire production from home. It also has a great forum with topic posts such as 'HORROR SCRIPT NEEDED FOR LOW BUDGET FEATURE' - yeah...that's what I want to see.

I've also been exploring the BBC's submission procedure for feature length scripts. They seem suprisingly open to everyone (well... it is the BBC I guess.) As long as you have a neat and tidy looking hardcopy of your script (not even formatted correctly) to send to them then they'll read the first ten pages and either bin it or put it on the 'to read' pile.

Not so straight forward is the Film Four submission process. Understanably they need to reduce the number of scripts they get and subsequently all have to come via a registered source. The vetting process is pretty thorough - but I think with a little ingenuity we'll be able to get our foot in the door. Their arcane submission form is a deterrent to most people, but if you make it through it's like you've passed some 'Golden Child' style test.

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